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Sunday, April 13, 2008

ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for Nationals of ASEAN Member Countries

The International Development Studies programme is the first of its kind at Chulalongkorn University and quite unique in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. This programme is one of the first in Southeast Asia to offer multidisciplinary training in international development; integrating academic, technical, managerial, and professional training, with a particular focus on policy.

The MAIDS programme, currently offering a one-year Master of Arts degree, is designed for postgraduate students, NGO workers, international organisation employees, and junior to mid-level government officials with experience in development work. The programme is taught in English to students from a range of backgrounds and nationalities.

Students also benefit from an annual series of public lectures, which are organized through special training sessions and events, such as the Greater Mekong Sub-region on Human Security - with a special focus on Human Trafficking - sponsored by the Thai Commission for UNESCO.

The International Development Studies programme at Chulalongkorn University is new, promising, and seeks to become a central forum for interaction on development and globalization in Southeast Asia.

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